Does your life feel unmanageable? Do you enjoy drinking or getting high, but have the desire to quit? Do you use to feel more confident or less anxious? Are you constantly hiding your use from friends and family? Do you feel isolated and alone? Do your relationships feel challenged and do you lack pleasure in life? Have you been able to quit for a few weeks or months, but you find yourself using again or using a different substance instead of your primary substance?


Alcohol and substances can satisfy the need for relief through instant gratification. Your brain is hardwired to desire the feeling that substances provide, leading you to choose immediate reward over long-term benefit. Superficially and instantly, they seem to take away pain and discomfort, or enhance a feeling or an experience. However, if you grapple with addiction, you know this is a passing illusion – it does not provide true and lasting relief and soon you depend on your constant “companion” to function each day.

If you are experiencing addiction, you may feel an overwhelming sense of shame and guilt, which often blocks you from seeking help. The addiction provides temporal pain relief and allows you to avoid the uncomfortable. It provides a way to feel in control of the uncontrollable.


There is HOPE! The good news is that you have taken a big step toward researching and finding help. It means you desire external support and may be realizing you are unable to resolve these issues alone. It is a sign of strength and vulnerability and takes courage to reach out for support. 

When we work together, I will see you through a compassionate and non-judgmental lens. I will help you unravel the “whys” of your addiction and empower you to connect with YOU and your TRUTH. Through therapy and other external support, I have witnessed many people overcome addiction and happily live a fulfilling life of sobriety. With a willingness to receive help and dedication to helping yourself, you can too! We can help you develop the skills to create more fluidity and choice in your life and reduce your resistance to life’s uncontrollable challenges. 

Local Resources for Addiction treatment and support

  • Harmony Foundation- Residential treatment program in Estes Park, Colorado. Offer a detox facility and residential treatment program for adults

  • Northstar Transitions- Drug and alcohol rehab center in the Front Range of Colorado

  • Choice House- Provide long-term inpatient rehab treatment for drug and alcohol addiction in Boulder, Colorado

  • Al-Anon- Provide hope through group support for friends and families who are worried about a loved one with a substance use problem

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)- Recovery Support for alcohol abuse in the Denver Area

  • Narcotics Anonymous (NA)- Recovery support for substance abuse in the Denver Area